Learning Bubble.io


This section contains all of our Bubble tutorials so that you can start learning no-code immediately. These tutorials range from beginner to advanced level.

If you need help with any of the guides at any point, feel free to leave a comment in the relevant article and we’ll get back to you with a clarification. You can also use the search tool in the upper right corner of the page to search for specific subjects and articles.

Part 1: How to set up Recursive Workflows

What are recursive workflows? Recursive Workflows were a welcome addition to Bubble’s toolbox in September of 2018, and there are many good reasons for this being a sorely missed feature. So… what exactly is it? Let’s dig into it. A

Flexible icons using SVG, simple XML and Option Sets

There’s one thing that most Bubble applications have in common: it’s likely that you’ll use icons. Bubble has its built-in icons and a plugin containing the icon library from Google’s Material Design. Additionally, there are a few community-built plugins that

Can I export my Bubble app?

The question of exporting your app is one of the most common I get from new Bubble users and clients who are looking into Bubble as a platform. To understand the answer, we’ll need to look a bit deeper into

Understanding Dates and Time in Bubble

For something that we wear on our wrists and constantly keep track of in our daily lives, time can sure be a headache to work with sometimes.  It should be pretty easy, right? Anything that happens in this universe we

What are Back-end Triggers?

At the time of writing this, Back-end Triggers are still a relatively new addition to Bubble, and just like Option Sets, they haven’t made that big of a fuzz. From what I’ve seen, people are aware they’re there, but somehow

Bubble Option Sets: The Complete Guide

Bubble introduced Option sets in in December of 2019 and they added an incredibly powerful feature that had been missing from Bubble. At their most basic, option sets can be used to store dropdown values (like a list of countries

5 ways to use Backend Workflows | Bubble.io

Backend Workflows in Bubble is the workhorse of your app. Whenever you need to work on big amounts of data or schedule workflows to run in the future or even repeatedly, you’ll need the Schedule API Workflow action. The name

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