
Bubble FAQ

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What is Bubble.io?

Bubble is an online framework for building web applications through a visual interface instead of code. Because you no longer need to hire engineers for your project, the time to market and cost of a project are usually drastically reduced. It also allows you to iterate your project rapidly after launch.

Bubble also hosts your database in the Amazon Web Services cloud. and utilizes the  Cloudflare CDN infrastructure to scale and maintain global performance.

What technology does Bubble.io run on?

Bubble is a graphical interface that let’s users assemble web applications by combining JavaScript-coded modules, CSS and HTML into a working node.js application without having to write any of the code. The platforms’s language is based on JSON.

This design philosophy is utilized for both front-end development (the user interface of the application), and back-end (running actions on the server). Bubble typically replaces other known frameworks and coding languages that most web applications are built with, such as HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Ruby on Rails, node.js and React.

Who owns the Intellectual Property of a Bubble application?

The design and workflows, as well as any data stored in your application, belongs to you. Bubble retains the IP of the the engine that the platform runs on.

Which company owns Bubble?

Bubble is based in New York in the United States and was founded by Emmanuel Straschnov and Josh Haas in 2012. It has since attracted high-profile investors with portfolios including Facebook, Dropbox, Lyft, AirBnB, Notion, Behance and the Lean Startup.
Read more about the company and see the list of investors on crunchbase and in Bubble’s own words.

Is Bubble secure?

Bubble.io has security in place comparable to any other popular web platform and follows industry-standard practices to keep users and data safe. 2-factor authentication is available on both editor and app level. For 99% of apps, this level of security is enough.

Of course, no online system is 100% secure, as huge players like Facebook, Yahoo!, Twitter and LinkedIn have learned the hard way.

If you plan an app that relies on a stronger grade of security, such as storing highly personal information like medical records and financial data, then Bubble may not be (and isn’t meant to be) the right platform for your project.

Is Bubble.io difficult to learn.

Yes, it’s easy to build an application on Bubble. Anyone who is comfortable using a computer will be able to learn it. No coding experience or knowledge about databases are necessary. Online interactive tutorials will get you going within minutes.

You can also schedule a bootcamp or coaching session with us if you want to learn faster.

Is no-code the end of coding?

Not at all!
Quite the opposite; first, no-code products themselves are built on code, after all, and their continued development requires highly skilled developers.

That being said, no-code does not, and is not meant to replace coding in general. Think about it this way: setting up yet another sign-up form, company website or any kind of user interface is honest coding work, but it’s not pushing technology forward. By handing over the repetitive part of the development process to a visual platform that allows non-coders to build, time is freed up for developers to work on more technical projects and new kinds of technology.

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